7 Practical Steps to Start Your Financial Freedom Journey Today: No One Told You About

Have you ever wondered why you are where you are today? It’s all because of a decision you made years ago or months ago.

Hi everyone, Grace Wang here from MyHappyChoice.com. Welcome back to my channel.

If you are new here, make sure you click the subscribe button. If you’ve seen value in my content, please give a thumbs-up as well. 

In today’s video, I am going to share with you 7 practical steps you can take to start your financial freedom journey today, even though you may not have much money, or may not have a college degree.

Let’s get started.

Step # 1: Make up your mind

When you come across this video, that’s a sign you have decided to do something for your financial future. I wish that 26 years ago, someone could have told me this secret when I first stepped on American soil. 

No matter where you are right now, you need to make a decision to have a clear financial goal for 5 years and 10 years.

Unfortunately, most of us in the world just go with the flow. We followed our parents’ opinions, teachers’ opinions, friends’ opinions, and traditional opinions. We forget to ask the most important opinion, our own opinion.

What do you want to do and be in five years and 10 years financially? Making the first decision to change is the beginning of greatness. 

Step # 2 Believing yourself

This is super important. I can not emphasize enough the importance of this step. If you can not believe you can achieve your goals, nobody can give you the desired results. 

You must pay attention to what you are thinking moment by moment of the day. Think about what you want and not what you do not want. 

It will be super hard to achieve anything if you think negatively. For me, I make sure what I think every day is in line with my goals.

I want to achieve financial freedom in five years. I never doubt myself by worrying or telling myself all the impossible reasons.

Instead, I ask questions to help myself realize my goals:

For instance, I ask

How can I make $3000 per month from my Youtube channel alone? I don’t doubt myself about competing with big channels making similar content. I don’t focus on the fact that I do not have the experience to make a viral video nor do I have the fancy equipment to make high-quality videos right now. 

All of these disadvantages only mean that I might take more time and work much harder to achieve my goals. 

I ask this question in Facebook groups

I ask experts.

I ask on Google.

I ask on Youtube.

I have learned many eye-opening methods and secrets in order to achieve my goals in the near future.

Step # 3 Make a vision board or dream board around your goals and dreams. 

This is a fun activity to do in your spare time. With your cell phone, you can put pictures of your dream house you want to live in, the amount of cash you want to have in your bank account, and people you want to meet.

Create a folder for your vision board. Then you can just enjoy them and see yourself having them every day. 

Pick up the 3 most important areas of your life to work on: financials, health, and relationships.

Add another area of your life goals to your vision board along the way, such as personal development, social life, spiritual life, contribution, and leisure time.

If you have never made a vision board before, it is time to make one for yourself for the next few days. It is fun and powerful.

You don’t need to have any prerequisites or qualifications. You only need your imagination. You will never be able to use up your imagination. If you can imagine them, you can achieve them.

Looking back, I accomplished many things in the past few years.

These goals and dreams were all on my vision board. Now they are a reality.

Step 4: Know Your Reasons

Find your big whys for every one of your goals and dreams

You need to find 100 reasons for your most important goals and dreams. You must dig deeper inside yourself to understand why you want what your dreams are.

I had to work my butt off for 8 years to prepare myself to finally make my dream come true to come to America many years ago.

I did not have a college degree, I did not have money and I did not know a soul in America back then.

What I had were only my imagination and my core reasons. 

Your big whys can work like your powerhouse when things are getting difficult and seem without any hope. Your big whys will pull you through and over all the roadblocks and temporary defeat. 

Step # 5 Create an Action Plan

I also call this action plan a roadmap. You can not get to your destination without a clear and specific roadmap to follow.

Your daily roadmap can give you energy and excitement. You don’t have to rely on anyone or anything to motivate you and to inspire you. You are your own motivation and inspiration. It will help you create the momentum you need to face any challenges, setbacks, and failures along the way. 

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.

Even if you have a huge dream and goals on your vision board right now. Do not be overwhelmed or scared by the appearance.

You can climb a big mountain by putting one foot before the other. One step at a time, you will eventually conquer the mountain and sit at the top to see breathtaking views.

Come out with the 3 most important tasks to do on a daily basis.

I have created a Free Workbook to help you understand yourself and help you create your first big three.

I will leave a link below and make sure you grab it after watching this video.

Step # 6 Do at least three of your most important things every day

We learn fast by repetition. Come out your big three and do them every day, no matter where you go and what you do for a day.

My big three  are: 

Exercise 30 minutes a day.

Write for two hours for my content every day.

Practice speaking for one hour every day.

We’ve all heard about the 10,000-hour rule. I believe it is so true. The more hours I put into honing my skills, the better I get. There are no silver bullets or overnight success in life. There is only practice and practice makes improvement.

Step # 7 Save 15% to 20 % of every dollar you earn. 

Becoming financially free in five years also means that you have to live below your means. The formula for becoming financially free is very simple. It’s spending less than what you earn and investing the difference. 

If you live in America, you can easily save $30 -$50 dollars a day on Starbucks coffees, take-out lunches, and to-go dinners. I see a long line every day at the Starbucks drive-thru. One medium cappuccino can cost you $5, and a small Sandwich can cost you $8.00. That’s why I make my own coffee and cook my own lunch and dinner at home. 

That wraps up for today’s video.

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As always, Thank you for watching, I will see you in the next video.

Until next time, dream big and be a high achiever.

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